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Ethnically motivated incidents in Kosovo and Metohija, 2021 Negotiation process with Pristina Operational Factsheet
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Ethnically motivated incidents in Kosovo and Metohija, 2021-2025.

2025 year



1) 02.01. Auxiliary facilities of the five-member Đokić family from Radevo near Lipljan, where they stored their harvest, were set on fire.

2) 04.01. Two unknown individuals wrote "UÇK” in the snow in front of the gate of the Banjska Monastery, and then walked around the monastery buildings, communicating in Albanian all the time;

3) 06.01. Kosovo police members searched Serbs and their cars entering the village of Gornje Kusce on Christmas Eve, looking for Serbian flags;

4) 08.01. Kosovo police raided the premises of the Tax Administration in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica and expelled the workers who were at their workplaces;

5) 08.01. Kosovo police raided the offices of the insurance company "Dunav osiguranje" in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, evicted employees, and confiscated documents and materials;

6) 09.01. The Serbian flag was removed from the memorial complex in Goraždevac, dedicated to the local residents killed in the NATO bombing and the children killed in the terrorist attack in the Bistrica river in 2003;

7) 10.01. Luka Zlatičanin from Goraždevac was detained for expressing the view that attackers of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are never punished;

8) 11.01. Serbian graffiti was painted over and the Serbian tricolor flag was removed in the village of Doljane near Zvečan;

9) 15.01. Kosovo police raided and closed about 35 Serbian institutions south of the Ibar, including provisional authorities, municipalities, social work centers and Post offices;

10) 15.01. During a raid on Serbian institutions south of the Ibar, Kosovo police detained the president of the Provisional Authority of the Lipljan municipality, Milan Joksimović, and three other employees, as well as the president of the Provisional Authority of Vučitrn, Milan Kostić;

11) 24.01. Scantily dressed with demonic symbols, an Albanian woman, Donika Salihu, took a picture in the Church of Saint Nicholas in Gnjilane and shared the content on social media;

12) 26.01. A Molotov cocktail was thrown in front of the house of Aleksandra Popović, a member of the Municipal Election Commission of the Serbian List in Ranilug, and the family car burned down as a result of the explosion;



13) 02.02. Tires from the private car of the President of the Provisional Authority in the Municipality of Vučitrn and MP candidate from the Serbian List, Milan Kostić, were slashed;

14) 06.02. On the wall of Nikola Janković's family home in the village of Bušince, in Kosovska Kamenica, posters of the "Serbian List" were drawn over and graffiti of the terrorist "KLA" written;

15) 06.02. A group of Albanian youths placed the flags of Albania and the terrorist organization "KLA" at a children's playground in the Serbian part of Orahovac;

16) 09.02. In municipalities in the north with Serb majority, several people wearing caps of the terrorist “KLA” were seen near polling stations during the parliamentary elections of the provisional Priština institutions;

17) 09.02. The Serbian flag that was there when the polling station was opened, was removed from the elementary school in Zubin Potok;

18) 09.02. At the Končulj crossing, buses carrying internally displaced persons from central Serbia who were heading to Ranilug to vote were not allowed to pass;

19) 09.02. Supporters of "Vetëvendosje" during the celebration of the election results, stoned the house of the Đorić family in Lipljan and broke the windows;

20) 17.02. A group of Albanian youths drove into the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica and provoked citizens by waving Albanian flags;

21) 19.02. Masked individuals removed the Serbian flag from a shop in Zvečan, exiting a Land Cruiser vehicle, which is otherwise used by the so-called Kosovo police;

22) 21.02. Unknown persons ransacked and robbed the Church of Christ the Savior in Cernica;

23) 21.02. Kosovo police raided social work centers in all four Serb municipalities in northern Kosovo and Metohija and expelled employees from their workplaces;

24) 22.02. Serbs from the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica who set out on All Souls' Day to light a candle for their loved ones at the Serbian Orthodox cemetery in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica found the cemetery vandalized, tombstones broken, full of garbage and weeds;

25) 24.02., Kosovo police detained six young Serbian men in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, using excessive force;

26) 25.02. Unknown persons robbed and stole money from the church chapel in the village of Poneš, Gjilan municipality;



27) 04.03. In the village of Koriša near Prizren, the hermitage of St. Peter of Koriš was devastated by extensive construction work that undermined the very foundations of this shrine;

28) 06.03. The hermitage of St. Peter of Koriš near Prizren was renamed on Google Maps to the “Illyrian Fortress of Kabaš”, thus continuing the attempt to erase the Serbian Orthodox heritage in Kosovo and Metohija;

29) 06.03. Kosovo police detained three Serbian minors in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica without any reason. The children were later released because they had not participated in any incident and it was determined that this was a mistake;


2024 year



1) 03.01. Institutions in Pristina forbade Tanjug Agency journalist Anđelko Utješanović to enter Kosovo and Metohija in order to report on the visit of Patriarch Porfirije;

2) 11.01. In the returnee village of Ljubоžda, in the municipality of Istok, family houses of Žarko Zarić and Radovan Ristić were ransacked and looted;

3) 13.01. In the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, members of the kosovo police fired automatic weapons in broad daylight;

4) 14.01. In the town of Zupče, in the municipality of Zubin Potok, the Church of the Holy Fathers was ransacked and looted, and was repeatedly targeted;

5) 15.01. The home of Miodrag Kostić from Plemetina was robbed;

6) 18.01. Two returnee families were robbed, the house of Marinko Blagojević and Tomislav Radivojević in the village of Ljubožda in the municipality of Istok;

7) 20.01. The foundations of the Serbian monastery of the Virgin Hvostanska in the town of Studenica in the municipality of Istok are fenced off, and on the board it is written in the Albanian language that it is a basilica;

8) 21.01. In the village of Donja Brnjica near Priština, two Serbian houses were robbed, belonging to the families of Božidar Vanić and Ranko and Srđan Milićević;

9) 24.01. In front of the municipality of Leposavić, the flags of the Republic of Serbia and the United Nations were removed from the flagpoles, and the board "Republic of Kosovo" was placed on the municipal building and the Center for Social Work;

10) 25.01. The billboard with honorary citizens of the city was removed in Zvečan;

11) 26.01. More than 50 kosovo police members, armed with long guns, broke into the premises of the municipality of Gora, where they conducted a search;

12) 29.01. Plaques of Priština's institutions were placed on the building of the Center for Social Work and on the Fire Station in Zubin Potok;

13) 31.01. Kosovo police raided the Serbian clinic in Priština, detained the medical staff and seized the ambulance vehicle;



14) 01.02. The Kosovo police removed the national flag of Serbs on the hill above Zvečan;

15) 02.02. Kosovo police raided the building of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Peć in Goraždevac and removed the flag of Serbia from the building;

16) 02.02. During the raid in the facility of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Peć in Goraždevac, members of the kosovo police harassed the journalist team of Radio Goraždevac and tried to seize the car with production equipment;

17) 02.02. Members of the kosovo police armed with automatic rifles broke into the yard of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Istok located in the returnee town of Osojane and closed the Health Center;

18) 02.02. Kosovo police raided the premises of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Klina in the town of Vidanje and detained the President of the Provisional Authority and his associates;

19) 03.02. In Ugljare, near Kosova Polje, the branch office of the Post of Serbia was broken into, demolished and looted;

20) 03.02. Kosovo police detained the employees of "The Post Office", driver V.M. and his companion V.P.

21) 03.02. Kosovo police raided the facility of the bolt factory in Brnjak;

22) 07.02. Vehicle transporting dinars to Kosovo and Metohija for pensions and social benefits was banned from entering the province;

23) 07.02. Kosovo police raided the premises of the "Post of Serbia" in Goraždevac, conducted a search and seized documents and computers;

24) 08.02. The barn of the Milenković family in the village of Odanovce near Kosovska Kamenica was set on fire;

25) 14.02. Another vehicle transporting dinars for the payment of pensions, salaries and social benefits was prohibited from passing at the Jarinje administrative crossing;

26) 22.02. By shooting from a pistol, a group of Albanians tried to intimidate a returnee from the village of Bič, near Klina, who went to check on the cattle on his property;

27) 23.02. Two Albanians intercepted Serbian young men with a car in front of the High School Center in Laplje Selo, near Gračanica, harassed them on ethnic grounds and threatened them with knives;

28) 24.02. In Suvi Do, near Lipljan, the house of the Ilić family was broken into and ransacked while the owner was in Belgrade, visiting his wife in hospital;

29) 25.02. A man of Albanian nationality physically attacked a priest in the center of Prizren, while he verbally attacked and provoked the other pilgrims who came from central Serbia to the liturgy, and hung a "KLA" flag on the bus they came on;

30) 26.02. An auxiliary facility on the property of the returnee family of Ljubiša Dončić in the village of Klina was set on fire;



31) 04.03. Kosovo police arrested Živorad N. in Kosovska Mitrovica because of an alleged war crime;

32) 06.03. The fence near the archaeological remains of the Virgin of Hvostan in Istok was damaged, to which the Diocese of Raška and Prizren responded and warned that the facilities of the Serbian Orthodox Church are still endangered and need protection;

33) 07.03. Members of the so-called kosovo customs and police searched pharmacies in Kosovska Mitrovica and Zvečan and confiscated large quantities of medicine;

34) 08.03. The house of Radivoje Joksimović in the village of Radevo, near Lipljan, was robbed and looted;

35) 09.03. An Albanian from Suva Reka fired several shots from a firearm in the village of Donja Bitinja in the municipality of Štrpce, and placed a tombstone wreath on the wall of Svetislav Stojković's house;

36) 14.03. The so-called Kosovo Ministry of Infrastructure, accompanied by the police, started removing signs with the names of cities in Cyrillic in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and installing new signs in the Albanian language and in the Latin alphabet;

37) 17.03. The car of Dušan Milanović, the founder of the "Kosovo Online" portal, was set on fire in Leposavić.

38) 30.03. More than 25 sheep were stolen from Nikola Stojanović from Dobrotin, near Lipljan;



39) 13.04. The Kosovo police arrested Srećko Sofronijević from Zvečan without legal grounds at the Brnjak administrative crossing, who was wounded by firearms by ROSU members three years ago;

40) 13.04. ROSU members beat up Vladan Stevanović from the village of Bube near Zubin Potok and threatened him with a gun;

41) 16.04. Members of the so-called customs and market inspection, with the help of the Kosovo police, searched Serbian pharmacies in Leposavića and Lešak and confiscated medicine;

42) 17.04. The car of Ivan Petrović, the driver of the president of the temporary body of the Leposavić municipality, was set on fire;

43) 23.04. A group of Albanians beat up and robbed twenty-year-old Petar Kostić in a parking lot in Kosovska Mitrovica;

44) 27.04. At the Brnjak administrative crossing, Jusuf Šujak (1966), of Bosniak nationality from Novi Pazar, was arrested on suspicion of having committed an alleged war crime;

45) 28.04. A group of Albanians beat up two Serbs in the Bošnjačka Mahala quarter in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica;



46) 03.05. The Priština authorities forbade the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, to celebrate the great Christian holiday of Easter with his people in the province;

47) 10.05. The so-called mayor of Leposavić forbade the installation of Serbian flags to mark the great holiday of St. Vasilije Ostroški;

48) 10.05. The Kosovo police arrested Slobodan Miletić from Zvečan at the Jarinje administrative crossing without a clear explanation;

49) 13.05. The authorities in Priština forbade Patriarch Porfirije to visit Kosovo and Macedonia and attend the Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the Patriarchate of Peć;

50) 14.05. The Priština authorities forbade the transport of theater equipment for the play "The Book of Milutin" of the Zvezdar Theater to Kosovo and Metohija, and thereby prevented the performance of the play that was supposed to take place in Kosovska Mitrovica and Leposavić;

51) 14.05. In the village of Naklo near Peć, the Church of the Holy Trinity, which is being renovated, is covered with discriminatory graffiti, with messages such as "Allahu Akbar", as well as in the Albanian language "remove this church from here, there are only Muslims here", "we don't want churches, we want mosques….Islam is the only true religion!”

52) 15.05. The editors of the newspaper "Jedinstvo" were sent a request for eviction from the premises in Kosovska Mitrovica;

53) 19.05. A group of Albanian young men threw stones at the Elementary School "21. November" in Gojbulja;

54) 20.05. The Kosovo police raided the branches of the "Poštanska štedionica" Bank in all four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija;

55) 26.05. A hand grenade was planted in the yard of Ivica Đuzić's family in Mogila;



56) 13.06. Local authorities and the police in Pristina forbade Serbs to mark the Feast of the Ascension in the Church of Christ the Savior in the center of Pristina;

57) 15.06. ROSU members harassed a group of young men in Leposavić, pointed guns at them and sprayed them with tear gas, and then detained two young men for singing songs at a birthday party;

58) 15.06. The Kosovo police raided two Serbian schools in Leposavić without a warrant and photographed the premises;

59) 17.06. Graffiti "Albania" as well as derogatory inscriptions about Serbs were written on the House of Culture and on the children's playground in the village of Sušica, near Gračanica;

60) 19.06. Lazar D. was arrested on the Bistrica Bridge, due to last year's events in front of the municipality of Zvečan;

61) 26.06. The Priština authorities forbade the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, to be with his people in Kosovo and Metohija on the great holiday, St. Vetus Day;

62) 27.06. Kosovo police arrested Srđan Lazović from Leposavić for alleged war crimes;

63) 28.06. A Serb N.M. from Babin Most was detained during the St. Vitus Day celebration, after the memorial service at Gazimestan, for carrying the Serbian flag;

64) 28.06. Kosovo police arrested Serbs and confiscated their flags and T-shirts with Serbian insignia during the St. Vitus Day celebration at Gazimestan, and did not sanction persons who wore the insignia of Great Albania and provoked Serbs on ethnic grounds;

65) 29.06. Wreaths and flowers placed on the memorial to the martyred residents of Štrpce were destroyed;

66) 30.06. At Jarinje, Kosovo police stopped a bus full of Serbian children returning from an excursion and demanded that the word "Metohija" be removed from the list and threatened to report the trip leaders;



67) 05.07. A man of Albanian nationality physically attacked Mladen Đošić in the village of Donja Brnjica, close to Priština, and caused him physical injuries, but the police detained the father of the beaten young man who ran to protect his son;

68) 07.07. Kosovo police detained four minors who were pasting stickers with Red Star symbols, for allegedly "inciting hatred";

69) 14.07. Displaced Serbs who came to the temple celebration in the church of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Krajište near Lipljan found "KLA" graffiti and during the liturgy Albanian music was played loudly from a nearby house;

70) 14.07. On the Main City Bridge over the Ibar in Kosovska Mitrovica, a man of Albanian nationality physically attacked and threw a bottle at Biljana Radomirović, a journalist from "Politika" and Zoran Vlašković, a journalist from "Jedinstvo", who were on assignment;

71) 22.07. Saša Z. (39) from Belgrade, who was supposed to take part in the Memorial Tournament marking the 25th anniversary of the death of 14 Serbian reapers in Staro Gracko, was arrested at the Merdare crossing;

72) 28.07. On the house of the Đurković family in Gojbulja, the graffiti "KLA" and the name of the terrorist Faton Hajrizi were written;



73) 03.08. Kosovo police raided Serb houses and arrested five Serbs, Slobodan Jeftić, Dragan Cvetković, Miloš Šošić and Dragan Ničić in Pasjan near Gnjilan and Nenad Stojanović in Bosce village near Kosovska Kamenica without indictments, for alleged war crimes;

74) 05.08. The Kosovo police raided the premises of the Post Office in all four Serbian municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija and the Treasury of the "Poštanska štedionica" Bank;

75)05.08. The Priština authorities forbade Belgrade's liaison officer Dejan Pavićević to visit detained Serbs in the high-security prison in Podujevo;

76) 08.08. On the Braća Milić Square in Kosovska Mitrovica, Albanians painted over the Serbian flag;

77) 08.08. The Kosovo police arrested two Serbs, Aleksandar Arsenijević and Stefan Veljković, who nonviolently opposed the desecration of Serbian symbols;

78) 11.08. The houses of three returnee families burned down under unclear circumstances in the village of Novake near Prizren;

79) 12.08. The apartment of Dragica Gašić, the only Serbian returnee in Djakovica, was stoned;

80) 18.08. The site called Bećir's church along the road to the Brezovica Ski Center, was desecrated, again;

81) 18.08. Luka Zlatičanin (45) from Goraždevac was detained for having singing;

82) 29.08. A Kosovo policeman pushed away a pregnant activist, Milica Andrić-Rakić, who was protesting with a group of citizens due to the visit of the so-called Kosovo ministers to the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica;

83) 30.08. Kosovo police entered by force into the buildings of the Provisional Authorities in four Serbian municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija;

84) 30.08. The Kosovo police raided the building with the boiler room of the Clinical Hospital Center of Kosovska Mitrovica;

85) 30.08. The Kosovo police raided the building of the Bureau of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, which also houses the headquarters of the Kosovo-Mitrovica District and the premises of the Provincial Pension Fund in Bošnjačka Mahala;

86)30.08. The Priština authorities forbade Belgrade's liaison officer Dejan Pavićević to visit detained Serbs in the high-security prison in Podujevo for the second time;



87) 10.09. The Kosovo police beat up and detained four Serbian youths in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, and then detained another man of Serbian nationality who filmed police torture of the said youths;

88) 12.09. Kosovo police arrested 80-year-old Tomislav Pantić in the Municipality of Istok for an alleged war crime;

89) 20.09. Dejan Radić was beaten and robbed in Staro Gracko by three attackers who spoke Albanian;

90) 22.09. The church yard in Medjugora in Ibarski Kolašin was desecrated;

91) 24.09. A man of Albanian nationality blocked the entrance to the "Vuk Karadžić" Primary School in Gnjilane with a van, which is attended by Serbian and Roma children;

92) 30.09. The "Tanjug" News Agency received a threatening letter on its editorial e-mail from persons who referred to connections with Priština separatists, stating that every journalist of this agency "will receive a bullet in the back of the head" when he steps on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija;



93)04.10. The Priština authorities forbade Belgrade's liaison officer Dejan Pavićević to visit detained Serbs in the high-security prison in Podujevo for the third time since August;

94) 09.10. In Kosovska Mitrovica, Aleksandar Arsenijević was arrested again and detained for 48 hours, after which he was released;

95) 16.10. The Kosovo police raided the premises of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Srbica, after which the police closed them;

96) 16.10. The Priština authorities forbade Belgrade's liaison officer Dejan Pavićević to visit detained Serbs in the high-security prison in Podujevo for the fourth time since August;;

97) 23.10. At the Brnjak crossing, the Kosovo police detained Igor Uljarević, the President of the Kosovo and Metohija Football Association, because of the sports jerseys that were found in his car, after which the so-called Kosovo Prosecutor's Office initiated proceedings against him;

98) 25.10. Members of the so-called Kosovo police detained Miloš Subotić in Kosovska Mitrovica and had brutally beaten him in the police station;

99) 31.10. A group of young men of Albanian nationality punctured the tires of two vehicles with Serbian license plates, owned by Serbs, in the ethnically mixed settlement "Bošnjačka Mahala" in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica;



100) 07.11. Šaćir Lutvija, a Goran who is in custody in Podujevo, was brutally beaten by three guards of Albanian nationality;

101) 13.11. The Director of the elementary school in Gojbulja was detained at the administrative crossing and his school seals were taken from him;

102) 15.11. Kosovo police detained M.D. (28) from Babin Most due to alleged participation in protests in front of the municipality of Zvečan in May 2023.

103) A few days ago, a group of armed members of the so-called Kosovo Police illegally crossed the administrative line near the village of Ćirkoviće;

104) 21.11. Albanian extremists stoned the apartment of the only Serbian returnee to Đakovica, Dragica Gašić, on her Patron Saint's Day, Archangel Michael;

105) 24.11. The Kosovo police detained the Director of the "New Social Initiative" organization, Jovana Radosavljević, at the Bistrica Bridge;

106) 24.11. Three believers were arrested near the Visoki Dečani monastery on the day of the celebration of the monastery's Patron Saint Day, because of the inscription on the car "Kosovo is Serbia";

107) 26.11. Kosovo police raided the town of Banjska with ten vehicles, abducted the body of the deceased young man M. Radosavljević and took it to Pristina for an autopsy;

108) 28.11. Albanian extremists desecrated the mural dedicated to the heroes from Košare in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica;

109) 28.11. A large number of Albanians, from vehicles flying Albanian flags, with KLA emblems, with honking horns and insulting shouts, provoked the Serbs through Gračanica and past the monastery, and they also tried to remove the Serbian flag from the monument;

110) 30.11. Dušan Milanović, the owner of VIM info within the Kosovo system, and the founder of the Kosovo online portal, was arrested.

111) 30.11. Several Serbs were detained in Zubin Potok after the events at the Ibar-Lepenac canal. During the search, members of the so-called Kosovo police broke into Serbian houses, broke windows and doors, harassed the household members so much that one woman fell ill;

112) 30.11. Hundreds of Albanians from the Kosovo Police were stationed throughout Kosovska Mitrovica, occupying this city;

113) 30.11. Kosovo police armed with long guns broke into the house of single mother Milica Mihajlović in Zvečan, ransacked the house and threatened to kill her son Marko;

114) 30.11. The Kosovo police, without a warrant, broke into the house of the vice-president of the Roma Initiative party, Gzim Jahirović, in Mikronaselje, in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, physically harassed him, insulted and threatened him, and during that time made sexist insults to his wife;



115) 02.12. The Kosovo police raided the premises of the Regional Innovation Center in Zubin Potok and confiscated the keys without giving an explanation for this decision;

116) 09.12. A Kosovo police officer fired a shot during a routine check of a taxi vehicle in Zvečan driven by Uroš Dimitrijević;

117) 13.12. Tombstones and Orthodox crosses were destroyed at the Serbian cemetery in Gnjilane;

118) 13.12. In the premises of the "Post of Serbia" in Sočanica, a so-called Kosovo post office was opened and a sign was placed;

119) 13.12. The so-called Kosovo inspection in Zubin Potok placed yellow tapes on six buildings, which were supposed to be inhabited by young couples and socially vulnerable people;

120) 17.12. A group of Albanians verbally and physically attacked Serbian workers from the company "Elektrosever" while they were trying to install meters in the predominantly Albanian settlement of Brđani near Kosovska Mitrovica;

121) 19.12., The authorities of the Provisional Institutions in Pristina banned the Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Svetlana Miladinov, and the Belgrade liaison officer, Dejan Pavićević, from visiting the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija on the great Orthodox holiday of Saint Nicholas Day;

122) 24.12. Provisional Institutions in Pristina banned the Minister of Information and Telecommunications, Dejan Ristić, from visiting Kosovo and Metohija, where he was supposed to attend the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the weekly newspaper "Jedinstvo";

123) 26.12., Members of the Kosovo police raided the buildings of the Directorate for Construction and Roads and the Directorate for Housing and Business Space in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, checked their IDs and then expelled about 70 workers who were at their workplaces;

124) 27.12) Kosovo police entered the premises of the Social Enterprise "Urbanism" in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica and seized inventory and documentation;


2023 year



1) 06.01. A man of Albanian nationality shot at two young Serbs, Stefan Stojanović (11) and Miloš Stojanović (21), in Gotovuša while they were carrying the Christmas oak branch; they suffered gunshot wounds;

2) 07.01. Stefan Tomić (18) from Klokot was beaten up by a group of Albanians on Christmas Day while he was returning from the church where he attended the liturgy;

3) 08.01. The death certificates on the bulletin board at the "Đurđevak" kindergarten in Čaglavica were torn up and burned.

4) 12.01. Two Serbian young men, Dejan M. (27) and Aleksandar S. (31) are detained in Klokot, because during the Christmas Eve celebration at the church, several shots that were fired into the air were heard;

5) 18.01. The Kosovo police returned vehicles with KM registration marks from the administrative crossings of Jarinje and Brnjak with an explanation that "they do not have the right to use their vehicles since they extended the registration after December 5 of last year", despite the agreement between Belgrade and Priština reached in Brussels, 23 November 2022.

6) 18.01. At the administrative crossing of Jarinje, the Kosovo police kept an ambulance with KM plates transporting a patient, Vasilije Tomašević, who was being taken to Kosovska Mitrovica after a medical intervention in Belgrade;

7) 18.01. Pristina authorities forbade the President of the Missing Persons Commission, Veljko Odalović, to visit the graves of his parents in Kosovo;

8) 22.01. Lazar M. (15) was beat up by four Albanians in Suvi Do;

9) 22.01. At the Jarinje crossing, the Kosovo police denied entry to grandparents from Leposavić, who were returning home with their grandchildren, with an explanation that their KM plates were not valid;

10) 23.01. Near the Bistrica Bridge, ROSU members shot at a car with two Serbs, Dušan S. and Miljan D, who was hit by a bullet;

11) 26.01. In the multi-ethnic settlement of Suvi Do, shots were fired in the air from a moving Albanian vehicle, which caused the Serbs to panic;

12) 27.01. In the multi-ethnic settlement of Suvi Do, Saša Blažić's car with Kragujevac registration marks was stoned causing material damage to the car;



13) 03.02. A Serbian young man, Boban Đuzić (20), was stabbed in the shoulder by two Albanians in the Mogila settlement, in the Vitina Municipality;

14) 03.02. A man of Albanian nationality fired several shots from a moving car in Gračanica;

15) 06.02. The Novak Đoković mural in Orahovac was destroyed;

16) 17. 02. Flags of the so-called Kosovo and Albania were placed right next to the gate of the Zočište monastery;

17) 18.02. Serbs from the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica visited the family graves in the southern part of the city on the occasion of the Winter All Soul's Day and found the monuments destroyed;

18) 26.02. In Donja Brnjica, near Priština, the family houses of Aleksandar Milanović and Dušanka Milićević (77) was robbed;

19) 27.02. The President of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Zvečan, Ivan Todosijević, was sentenced to one year in prison for his spoken words and the right to an opinion;



20) 03.03. The authorities of the Provisionary Institutions in Priština refused the request by the liaison officer, Dejan Pavićević, to visit the arrested Slađan Trajković and Miljan Adžić in prison in Podujevo;

21) 07.03. At the administrative crossing, members of the Kosovo Police arrested Zlatko Arsić (45), from the village of Ajnovce, for alleged war crime;

22) 08.03. ROSU members brutally beat up two young Serbian men, Đorđe M. (24) and Lazar Đ. (23) in Jošanica near Leposavić;

23) 12.03 The house of Dragiša Mirić, in the village of Batuse near Kosovo Polje, was broken into and robbed;

24) 12.03. The house of the Nedeljković family in Preoce near Gračanica was broken into and robbed;

25) 18.03. The house of the Mitić family from Laplje Selo was robbed and looted;

26) 19.03. Two Serbian houses were robbed in the village of Batuse, the house of the Davor Delić family, as well as the house of the Saša Lazić family;

27) 26.03. The house of the Slavić familly from Lepina, near Lipljan, has been robbed for the fifth time;

28) 27.03. In Suvi Dol, near Lipljan, the house of Mitar Maksimović was ransacked and looted;

29) 27.03. The house of Žikica Stević from Laplje Selo was targeted by bandits and robbers. This is the tenth Serbian house that has been ransacked in just one month;

30) 28.03. Ivan Todosijević received a summons to serve his prison sentence, while the verdict was not delivered to him beforehand, but came later.

31) 28.03. Miljan J., a former policeman who left the service in November 2022, was arrested at the administrative crossing of Jarinje, in front of his wife and minor children, and was released the next day.

32) 30.03. The house of the Milić family in Plemetina was robbed;



33) 01.04. Kosovo police arrested Milovan Božović from Zubin Potok;

34) 02.04. Kosovo policemen with four vehicles, armed with long guns, harassed a woman with a child in her arms in Zvečan;

35) 06.04. The Kosovo police brought into questioning Ljubiša Račićević, President of the "Štrpce" Handball Club and the coach Boban Mladenović, and forbade them to hold training sessions;

36) 07.04. At the Jarinje administrative crossing, Kosovo police detained doctor Nikola Todorović, who was with three minor children;

37) 08.04. The inn of the Church of St. John, at the entrance to Velika Hoča, was broken into;

38) 10.04. The Kosovo police shot at Milan Jovanović (39) from Zvečani near the illegal checkpoint on the Bistrica bridge, inflicting gunshot wounds above the collarbone;

39) 11.04. In Gnjilane, next to the flag of Albania, the flag of the KLA is also hung;

40) 14.04. ROSU members broke into and searched a Serbian house in the village of Babudovica in the municipality of Zubin Potok on Good Friday;

41) 16.04. On Easter, KLA graffiti were written on many buildings in Bošnjačka mahala in northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica;

42) 17.04. An explosive device was thrown at the church of St. Panteleimon in Prizren, and on that occasion the wall of the church and the entrance door were damaged;

43) 20.04. KLA graffiti was written on the wall of the building on the promenade in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica where the offices of the Serbian List are located;

44) 20.04. KLA graffiti appeared on a building in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, which is the second case of writing this graffiti in the same day;

45) 20.04. A local Albanian chased a Serb S.R. (51) from Parteš with a knife while the man was cultivating his fields;

46) 26.04. On the Bistrica Bridge, members of the Kosovo police detained the driver and two employees of the Serbian Post Office who were transporting money regularly;

47) 29.04. Five dogs were poisoned in the courtyard of the Church of the Assumption of the Holy Mother of God in Novo Brdo;



48) 01.05. In Laplje Selo, the office of the "Post of Serbia" and the Culture House were robbed;

49) 05.05. An Albanian flag was placed on the hill above the Serbian village of Grabovac in the municipality of Zvečan;

50) 06.05. RTV Puls journalist Bojan Antic from Gornje Kusce was attacked by a group of Albanians that threw stones at his car while he was returning from his parents' Saint Patrons Day celebration in Gornji Livoč;

51) 10.05. A group of policemen in Preoce, wearing bulletproof vests and carrying weapons, harassed Živojin Rakočević, president of the Association of Journalists of Serbia and Žarko Milenković, editor of the literary programs of the "Gračanica" Cultural Center;

52) 12.05. More than a dozen armed special forces raided three warehouses full of goods in the town of Doljane, near Zvečan;

53) 16.05. Kosovo police confiscated 1,245 flower pots on the Kosovska Kamenica - Gnjilane road due to the suspicion that they were brought from Central Serbia;

54) 16.05. Unknown persons shot from a car in the direction of the Serbian school in Ugljare, where three children were at the time;

55) 17.05. The gate at the entrance to the courtyard of the Jovanović family in Vitina has been broken;

56) 18.05. The house of the Jovović family in Goraždevac was robbed. This family home was targeted by robbers many times;

57) 19.05. The Kosovo police stopped the mine worker Predrag Milanović at the illegal checkpoint on the Bistrica Bridge, confiscated his KM license plates and issued a fine of 150 euros;

58) 21.05. Members of the Kosovo Police arrested pensioner Branko Banjac (72) from Belgrade at Jarinje, who was on his way to Peć with his wife for a hearing regarding the resolution of a property dispute she is leading. He was released after an intervention by Belgrade.

59) 21.5. A group of Albanians cut down more than a hundred-year-old oak logs on the estate of the St. Petka church in Velika Hoča;

60) 24.05. KLA graffiti was written on the children's playground in the village of Ugljare near Kosovo Polje;

61) 24.05. Kosovo authorities banned access to the Church of Christ the Savior and the religious ceremony on the occasion of the Ascension of Christ in Pristina;

62) 26.05. The Kosovo police forcefully entered the municipalities of Zubin Potok, Zvečan and Leposavić, along with Rosu members, and threw tear gas and shock bombs at citizens who offered peaceful resistance;

63) 26.05. More than 10 Serbs were injured in an attack by Rosu units and members of the Kosovo Police during a violent incursion into municipalities in the North of Kosovo and Metohija;

64) 26.05. Among the members of the Kosovo Police who violently invaded the Serbian municipalities in the north of Kosovo, a member of the so-called FSK was seen;

65) 29.05. Members of the Kosovo Police and Rosu units occupied the municipalities of Zubin Potok, Zvečan and Leposavić, and blocked the work of institutions. Tear gas was thrown at employees of the municipality of Zvečan who tried to enter the building;

66) 29.05. Pristina snipers are deployed near elementary schools in the north;

67) 29.05. Representatives of Serbian media outlets, Radio Television of Serbia, the Kosovo Online Portal and RTV Kim are not allowed to enter the press hall of the Municipality of Zvečan because they are Serbs;

68) 29.05. During riots in Zvečan, when armed forces attacked the bare-handed Serbian people, 52 Serbs were injured, three of them seriously. Dragiša Galjak, who was hit by two bullets from behind, was seriously wounded, and Dragiša Milović and Časlav Sofronijević also suffered serious injuries;

69) 29.05. During the protest in Zvečan, a correspondent of the Tanjug News Agency was injured when tear gas was thrown at him;

70) 30.05. The Serbian flag, next to the monument to Miloš the Great in Gračanica, was set on fire;

71) 30.05. A mural dedicated to Novak Đoković in Oraḫovac was destroyed and KLA graffiti was written on it;

72) 30.05. Dušan Obrenović, who was arrested during a peaceful protest in Zvečan, was brutally beaten by the Kosovo Police;

73) 30.05. The flags of the Serbian Orthodox Church were torn from the bell towers of Svetiḫ Flora and Lavra and the Church of the Presentation of the Virgin in Lipljan;

74) 31.05. KLA graffiti was written in several places in Orahovac, on the car of Dobrivoje Đorić, on the house of Dragiša Lukić, on the house of Zoran Kujundžić, as well as in several locations around the church in Orahovac;

75) 31.05. Kosovo police detained a minor N.M. (16) from Grabovac near Zvečan, and kept him for more than 6 hours in the police station in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, where he suffered physical and mental abuse;



76) 01.06. The monument dedicated to the Serbs killed in 1944 on the Štrpce-Brezovica road was desecrated;

77) 03.06. Serbs who went to the Orthodox cemetery in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica on All Saints Day found gravestones desecrated;

78) 03.06. In the neighborhood of Bošnjačka Mahala, in a street where about 40 Serbian families live, KLA graffiti was written on a building;

79) 04.06. On the way to the Brezovica Ski Center, Bećir's church, built by an Albanian who accepted the Orthodox faith, was desecrated;

80) 13.06. ROSU members entered the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica in armored vehicles fully armed, searched the local population and pointed long barrels at unarmed citizens;

81) 13.06. During the raid in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, the Kosovo Police special forces brutally arrested the athlete Milun Milenković and beat him badly;

82) 14.06. Members of the Kosovo Police, with emergency lights, stopped the medical vehicle of the Štrpce Health Center near Vučitrn, which was carrying injured persons, they searched the vehicle and harassed the medical staff;

83) 15.06. Members of the Kosovo police special unit conducted a complete search of cars and people in Gračanica, near the Culture House;

84) 16.06. The so-called minister in the Government of Pristina, Elbert Krasniqi, entered the municipal building in Leposavić during the police shift and tried to bring in illegitimate councilors;

85)16.06. The Kosovo police detained the vehicle of the "Post of Serbia" on the Jarinje administrative line, which was transporting mail;

86) 16.06. Rosu special forces occupied the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica with armored vehicles, harassed and searched the people and tried to arrest several Serbs;

87) 16.06. In an action by the Kosovo police, Nemanja Vlašković (33) was arrested in Leposavić on a false charge of attacking journalists;

88) 17.06. At the Jarinje crossing, Dalibor Spasić, a medical worker from Kosovska Mitrovica, was arrested on false charges of attacking journalists in Zvečan;

89) 17.06. Kosovo police stopped two minor children, K.R. (15) and D.R. (17) while they were driving quad bikes in the village of Žitkovac near Zvečan and brutally beat them;

90) 17.06. ROSU special forces patrolled the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica during the night with armored vehicles and long guns;

91) 19.06. Uroš Vukašinović (28) from Leposavić, a Telekom employee, was kidnapped by Kosovo special forces in civilian clothes when he went to work;

92) 21.06. Dragiša Milenković (51) from Kišnica near Gračanica was arrested for an alleged war crime;

93) 21.06. Miloš Božidarević (32) from Gornja Brnjica was injured when an Albanian drove his car into a group of gathered Serbs in Gračanica;

94) 23.06. Members of the Kosovo Special Police arrested Nenad Orlović from Kosovska Mitrovica for participating in the May 29 protests in Zvečan;

95) 25.06. The family house of Boban Miladinović in Donja Brnjica, who lives with his wife and three small children, was ransacked and looted;

96) 28.06. The Kosovo police did not allow the Serbs who came to Gazimestan on Vidovdan to bring in Serbian symbols or to light a candle to the fallen Kosovo heroes;

97) 28.06. On St. Vitus Day, the Kosovo police stopped the car of the son of the President of Serbia, Danilo Vučić, three times, in the towns of Ajvalija, Truda and at the Merdare crossing;



98) 05.07. Kosovo police seized drugs from a pharmacy in Prizren, which originated from Central Serbia;

99) 06.07. In Grabovac near Zvečan, Kosovo police stopped an ambulance, which is in the Serbian system;

100) 07.07. Kosovo police stopped and searched an ambulance from Zubin Potok in the village of Banje;

101) 07.07. The Pristina authorities did not allow a group of motorcyclists carrying humanitarian aid to Kosovo and Metohija to enter the province;

102) 10.07. The returnee house of the Jozić family in the village of Verić near Istok was set on fire;

103) 12.07. Armed Kosovo Police entered the yard of Dimitrije Pavlović in the village of Beluće, demanding that he should take off the "shajkača" hat he was wearing on his head;

104) 14.07. During the celebration of the Saints Cosmas and Damian in the village of Krajište near Lipljan, Albanians provoked the gathered Serbs by playing music dedicated to the "KLA" and showing them the double-headed eagle;

105) 14.07. The Kosovo police forbade journalists from Serbian newsrooms to film the house from which nationalist songs glorifying Adem Jashari and the so-called KLA were played during the celebration of Saints Cosmas and Damian in the village of Krajište near Lipljan.

106) 20.07. By the decision of the illegitimate Mayor of Kosovska Mitrovica, the construction of apartments for socially vulnerable families, schools for children from vulnerable categories, and University buildings is prohibited;

107) 20.07. Members of the Kosovo Police arrested Boris Lešević (34) from Leposavić at Jarinje, without a clear reason, and he was with three minor children at the time of the arrest;

108) 22.07. The authorities of the Provisional Institutions of Self-government in Pristina forbade the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija to attend the commemoration of the anniversary of the murder of 14 Serbian reapers in Staro Gracko;

109) 25.07. The illegitimate authorities in Kosovska Mitrovica closed another construction site where apartments were built for the socially vulnerable population;

110) 30.07. In Varoš Selo near Uroševac, the church of St. Elijah was desecrated;



111) 04.08. Momir Pantić, an internally displaced person from Kosovo and Metohija, originally from the Istok, was arrested at the administrative line of Merdare;

112) 05.08. Returnee Žarko Zarić was arrested in the municipality of Istok, on charges of alleged war crimes in the village of Ljubožda;

113) 05.08. "KLA" graffiti was written on the infirmary in Suvi Do near Kosovska Mitrovica;

114) 05.08. An explosive device was thrown on the property of Serbian List MP Zoran Maksimović from Ranilug;

115) 07.08. The Kosovo police broke a sign with an inscription in Cyrillic on the Zubin Potok municipality building;

116) 07.08. The church of St. Petka in the village of Suvi Do was burgled;

117) 18.08. The Kosovo Police arrested Nebojša Virijević, resident of Lešak, for having protested in front of the Municipality Building in Leposavić;

118) 18.08. A group of Albanian police officers entered the premises of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, of the Province's Pension and Disability Fund, and of the Kosovska Mitrovica Administrative District, located in the Bošnjačka Mahala, and warned the their emplyees to vacate the premises since those belonged to the Municipality;

119) 22.08. A group of Albanian policemen and inspectors once again entered the building where the offices of Serbian institutions are located in Bošnjačka Mahala and gave the employees a deadline to move out of the buildings within three days;

120) 30.08. Members of the Kosovo Police, without clearly visible markings on their uniforms and with automatic rifles, entered the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica and disturbed the citizens;

121) 31.08. Kosovo police brought Aleksandar Alagić from Zvečan in for questioning at the Bistrica bridge without explanation and with handcuffs on his hands;



122) 03.09. Representatives of the so-called Kosovo Fishermen's Union, accompanied by the police, armed with long guns, carried out the control and punished the fishermen on Lake Gazivode;

123) 03.09. In Bošnjačka mahala, flags of so-called Kosovo and Albania were placed on public lighting poles in front of Serbian houses;

124) 08.09. More than 50 members of the so-called Kosovo Special Police broke into the tool factory "Lola" in Zubin Potok with long guns and searched the building;

125) 10.09. The Janačković family's returnee home was set on fire in Novo Selo Mađunsko in the municipality of Vučitrn, for the third time;

126) 10.09. Three Albanians attacked a young man of Serbian nationality S.P. (20) from Gračanica, on the road Dobrotin - Donja Gušterica;

127) 14.09. Members of the Kosovo police beat up two Serbs, A.M. (24) and M.M. (19), in Gracanica, because of an alleged traffic violation;

128) 19.09. "KLA" graffiti was written on the "Saint Sava" school in Klokot;

129) 20.09. Ilija Elezović from Kosovska Mitrovica, Dragan Milović from Zvečan and Zoran Kostić from Prilužje were arrested in one day for alleged war crimes;

130) 22.09. Explosive devices were thrown at three family houses of representatives of the Serbian List in Kosovsko Pomoravlje, namely at the house of Srđan Ristić and Zoran Ristić in Ranilug, and Vladica Aritonović in the village of Glogovce;

131) 22.09. The house of Serbian old lady Bosiljka Nojić (77) in Gnjilanе was stoned;

132) 24.09. On the day of the conflict in Banjska, ROSU members broke into Serbian houses armed, harassed the inhabitants of the villages of Banjska and Zvečana, hit them, insulted them and damaged their homes;

133) 24.09. The Kosovo Police forbade the ambulance to pass to the town of Banjska so that the medical team could provide assistance to the patient who asked for help because he fell ill;

134) 24.09. The Kosovo police did not allow the distribution of bread and food to the inhabitants of Banjska for two whole days;

135) 24-25.09. Albanian special forces broke into the "Serbian Post Office" building in Banjska, stole property and caused great material damage;

136) 25.09. The driver and a medical technician from the Health Center in Zubin Potok were taken to the Kosovo police base in Brnjak while returning from work and were released after a few hours;

137) 25.09. Members of the ROSU special police demolished Rajska Banja, broke windows and smashed doors during the raid;

138) 25.09. In the village of Donja Budriga in the municipality of Parteš, "KLA" graffiti was written in two different locations;

139) 27.09. The Serbian Elementary School "Braća Aksić" in Lipljan was stoned;

140) 29.09. ROSU members with 15 armored vehicles forcibly entered the Hospital Center in Kosovska Mitrovica, broke the doors and inventory, threatened patients and health workers, and blocked the entrance to the kindergarten;

141) 30.09. Three Serbs were beaten by FIT special units in the village of Gornje Varage in Zubin Potok;



142) 01.10. Lazar Janićijević from Zvečan was arrested by the Kosovo police at the Jarinje crossing, he was going to the funeral of Stefan Nedeljković, who was killed in the clashes in Banjska;

143) 04.10. The Church of St. Petka in Suvi Do was robbed, for the second time in the last two months;

144) 07.10. On the way to Banjska, in the town of Balaban, the mast with the Serbian flag was broken;

145) 08.10. Members of the so-called Kosovo Special Police stopped the ambulance of the Kosovska Mitrovica Hospital Center, kicked out the medical staff, held them at gunpoint and searched the vehicle;

146) 10.10. At the Merdare administrative crossing, the Kosovo police arrested Tomica B. (52) from Prilužje without any explanation;

147) 11.10. Members of the so-called special kosovo police detained a Serb M. M. from Leposavić, and searched several locations in Kosovska Mitrovica and Zvečan;

148) 13.10. On the traffic sign for the Kišnica settlement near Gračanica, "KLA" graffiti was written and the name of the village in Serbian was painted over;

149) 13.10. Members of the kosovo police stopped the medical vehicle of the Kosovska Mitrovica Hospital Center, transporting medical material, at the checkpoint near the Bistrica bridge and directed it to the customs terminal in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica;

150) 15.10. The so-called Kosovo special police detained Stefan S. (27) from the village of Drijen near Leposavic because of a T-shirt with motifs of Serbian monasteries and Emperor Dušan;

151) 17.10. Flags of the so-called Kosovo and Albanian flags are hung on the road to the village of Banje, near Zubin Potok;

152) 18.10. Member of the so-called KSF, Azem Kurtaj, who wounded Serbian children Miloš and Stefan Stojanović in Gotovuša on Christmas Day, was released pending trial;

153) 19.10. An explosive device was thrown at the family house of Milan Ristic from Ranilug, a member of the Serbian List and director of the High School in Kosovska Kamenica;

154) 19.10. The house of Slobodan Milić's family in Plemetina was robbed and looted;

155) 21.10. The Kosovo police urgently deported the abbot of the Devina voda monastery near Zvečan, Foti, to North Macedonia without explanation;

156) 23.10. A road was dug across the old Serbian cemetery in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica;

157) 26.10. The Church of Saint Archangel Gabriel in the Serbian returnee village of Osojane was looted;

158) 27.10. In the vicinity of the "Jovan Cvijić" Primary School in Zubin Potok, the authorities of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Priština have started work on the construction of a police station;

159) 29.10. A tractor was stolen from the family of Aleksandar Đurić in the Serbian returnee village of Osojane;

160) 31.10. A group of Albanian young men threw stones at a Serbian school in Kosovska Kamenica;



161) 08.11. Two Serbian houses were robbed in the village of Miloševo in the municipality of Obilić;

162) 11.11. At the Orthodox cemetery in Priština, a memorial plaque to the Serbian soldiers who died in the First World War was moved;

163) 11.11. A man of Albanian nationality beat up a Serb, G. M. from Čaglavica while he was cultivating the land on his property;

164) 12.11. The Serbian tricolor was burned at the monument to the murdered and kidnapped Serbs in Orahovac;

165) 18.11. At the administrative crossing of Jarinje, Slaviša Nedeljković (1964) from the village of Nevoljane, near Vučitrn, was arrested for alleged war crimes. After the arrest, he was released due to lack of evidence;

166) 20.11. The authorities of Provisionary Institutions of Self-Government in Pristina forbade the Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Jelena Stojković, to enter the area of Kosovo and Metohija where she was supposed to attend the laying of the foundation for the construction of a house for a socially endangered family;

167) 21.11. The Church of the Ascension of the Lord in the village of Devet Jugovića near Priština was robbed and looted;

168) 22.11. The authorities of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Pristina forbade the assistant directors of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Svetlana Miladinov, Igor Popović and Milena Parlić, to visit Kosovo and Metohija;

169) 29.11. Officials from Podujevo, with the fake priest Nikola Džufk, entered the property of the Church of St. Archangel Michael in the village of Rakinica;


170) 09.12. Windows were broken and metal doors with bars were ripped out at the health centre in the multi-ethnic neighborhood of Suvi Do;

171) 16.12. On the sign of the Draganac Monastery, a kilometer from the monastery, KLA graffiti was written;

172) 18.12. On the Crnuša hill above the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, a large illuminated "KLA" sign was placed;

173) 19.12. A fire was started in the house of the returnee Pavlović family in Belo Polje, near Peć;

174) 19.12. Members of the Kosovo police raided the hotel complex "Rajska banja" in Zvečan on the great Orthodox holiday, St. Nicholas Day, and drove out the workers without explanation;

175) 19.12. The Serbian Orthodox cemetery in Orahovac was desecrated, at least five wooden crosses were destroyed;

176) 21.12. Kosovo police raided a privately owned market and warehouse in Leposavić;

177) 24.12.The institutions in Priština declared the Orthodox church in the village of Gornje Vinarce in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica as "Catholic";

178) 25.12. The institutions in Priština declared the Orthodox church in Gornji Strmac in the municipality of Zubin Potok to be Roman Catholic and put it under their protection;


2022 year



1) 06/01 The Parish House in Vitomirica, near Peć, was stoned and its windows were broken. This Parish House was previously targeted last summer, when it was plundered and substantially damaged, and perpetrators were never identified;

2) 06/01 Fully armed members of ROSU raided and searched four Serbian houses in Štrpce on Christmas Eve;

3) 12/01 The gate of the Church of the Holy Apostle Luka in Vitomirica was cordoned off by a tape preventing the entrance into the courtyard, with leaflet “STOP THE WORKS” posted on top, and message bellow reading “THE WORKS MUST BE STOPPED NOW”, in English and Serbian. Also posted was the official logo of the Government of so-called Kosovo.

4) 12/01 20 armed members of ROSU special forces raided the building of the Municipality of Gračanica and searched its premises on the eve of the Orthodox New Year celebrations;

5) 14/01 Over the table with the name of the Serbian village of Pasjane in Kosovsko Pomoravlje was scribbled a “UCK” graffiti;

6) 14/01 On the Merdare administrative crossing point, acting without any probable cause the Kosovo Police arrested Marko Janković, Republican Election Commission Coordinator, and seized two trucks carrying the material for voting on referendum;

7) 16/01 The Kosovo Police prevented Serbs in towns of Klina and Peć to gather in a peaceful protest to express discontent with decision of Priština’s authorities to ban the voting on referendum for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija;

8) 16/01 Youngster Milan Kovačević from the village of Banje near Srbiva was physically attacked by a local Albanian and sustained injuries from a hit on the head; before this attack, his forest was illegally felled and his hut was set ablaze;

9) 18/01 Bandits and robbers attacked the Church of Holy Fathers in the village of Zupče, Municipality of Zubin Potok;

10) 28/01 The Church of the Ascension of Our Lord in the village of Jagnjenica in Zubin Potok was looted;

11) 30/01 In a single month, the third orthodox church in a row in the Municipality of Zubin Potok was broken into and looted, this time the Church of St. Jovan in the village of Donje Varage;

12) 31/01 At the entrance to Velika Hoča, there was a flag with coat-of-arms and inscription of the terrorist organization KLA hoisted on the fence below the church of St. John the Baptist on whose property stands a monument dedicated to the murdered and abducted Serbs;

13) 31/01 The journalists of 4 crews reporting in Kosovo and Metohija in Serbian language were not allowed to attend the press conference of Miroslav Lajčak, Gabriel Escobar, and Albin Kurti in Priština;



14) 01/02 The Church of Holy Fathers in the village of Zupče was looted once again. An Albanian was arrested on suspicion of perpetrating this crime and plundering other temples in the Municipality of Zubin Potok earlier in this January;

15) 12/02 The Church of Holy Healers in the village of Drenovce, in Kosovska Kamenica, was broken into and a certain amount of money was stolen;

16) 12/02 The Church of St. Elijah in the village of Nekodim in the vicinity of Uroševac was damaged in an attack, with all windows and entrance doors broken;

17) 12/02 The walls of the Elementary School “Braća Aksić” in the village of Rabovce near Lipljan were littered with graffiti „ALBANIA KING“;

18) 13/02 In Livađe, a mixed ethnicity village close to Gračanica, the shop owned by Slaviša marjanović was plundered. This is the third time the thieves targeted the Mihajlović family, and in previous two incidents the vandals broke into their family house;

19) 14/02 Two Serbian minors from the village of Staro Gracko in the vicinity of Lipljan (Sanja D. and Veljko T.), were unprovokedly attacked and intimidated by an Albanian person, as these two, a boy and a girl, strolled around the village;

20) 17/02. Vehicle with the terrorist so called KLA flag entered northern Kosovska Mitrovica and threw stones at parked vehicles, and four vehicles with so called KLA flags paraded in the village of Zupče;

21) 17/02. In the multiethnic village of Poneš, near Gnjilane, a stack of hay was set on fire to the seventy year old Nenad Ristić, and agriculture is his only source of income;

22) 19/02 The location of the Monastery of Lofty Dečani was erased from the Google Maps, which this temple’s clergy saw as blatant provocation by local administrators;

23) 21/02 Dragan Bajić, a Serb who is presently basketball coach of Northern Macedonia, was banned from entering Kosovo and Metohija without any explanation, as the only person from the official Northern Macedonian team not allowed to come to Priština;

24) 24/02 Within their unilateral actions in the north, the Kosovo Police units attempted to hermetically seal administrative lines and, in the process, they cut the water pipes, telephone cables, and blocked the access of local people to their properties and homes;

25) 24/02 Ms. Petkana Sekulić, formerly of the village of Vitkovo, has died on the day the Kosovo Police units dug through several local roads in the Municipality of Zubin Potok. With roads rendered unpassable, family had great difficulties to bury her and, for the same reason, numerous bereaved could not attend;

26) 26/02 The Kosovo Police officers brought heavy-duty machines and personnel to the Brnjak administrative crossing point, and carried out a unilateral and illegal action that goes against the agreements and its mandate;

27) 26/02 Three Serbs from Niš got arrested and detained for 48 hours, under suspicion of terrorism just because they had bought badges depicting the so-called KLA. All were released the next day;

28) 28/02 The home of Ms. Slavojka Stojanović from the village of Poneš was robbed, for the third time in the last two years, this time the valuables and furniture were taken away.



29) 04/03 Graffiti celebrating the terrorist so called KLA were written on four houses of families Morača, Grbušić and Dukić from Suvi Do, near Lipljan;

30) 04/03 After writing out so called KLA graffiti on Serbian houses in Suvi Do, in the evening hours unknown perpetrators broke the school door;

31) 05/03 Three buses carrying 192 medical workers from Novi Pazar, going to visit Prizren, had to turn back at the Jarinje adimistrative crossing;

32) 08/03 The house of the returnee family od Miško Pumpalović from Kovrage village in the Municipality of Istok was broken into and robbed;

33) 16/03 Armed ROSU members entered many locations on the territory of the Municipality of Štrpce, searching Serbian houses and blocking the work of the Provisional organs, on the eve of the Pogrom anniversary;

34) 21/03 Ivan Vujić, Assistant Director in the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, was denied entry to Kosovo and Metohija where he was to visit socially vulnerable families and deliver help;

35) 27/03 Albanian neighbors threw a flammable device to the Vesić family backyard in Klokot, as a result of which most plants on the property burned down;


36) 01/04 In the returnee village of Kovrage in the municipality of Istok, the house of Leko Pitulić was broken into and household items were stolen;

37) 06/04 Several Serb-owned shops and restaurants were targeted by robbers in ethnically mixed neighborhoods in Donja Gušterica in the Municipality of Lipljan;

38) 08/04 Armed ROSU members, accompanied by representatives of so-called Customs, stormed Štrpce and searched several Serbian shops in search of Serbian goods. This is the fourth incursion of ROSU in Štrpce in the last few months;

39) 08/04 Kosovo police stopped several Serbian regular buses near Vučitrn, made the passengers come outside and left them by the roadside, arrested the drivers and confiscated the vehicles, shouting "This is Greater Albania";

40) 10/04 The Church of the Holy Archangels in Veliki Ropotov was broken into and a large amount of money was stolen;

41) 11/04 In the village of Brod in the Municipality od Štrpce, wired fence on the Church of Peter and Paul was damaged, a church that has been desecrated several times;

42) 15/04 Local Albanian shot the dog of the Tišma family, one of the six remaining families in Obilić;

43) 19/04 During the night, the health clinic in Parteš was broken into;

44) 24/04 A group of about ten young men of Albanian nationality attacked and insulted a thirteen-year-old boy S.M of Serbian nationality in the village of Babin Most, Municipality of Obilić;

45) 24/04 On Easter, the flag of the Serbian Orthodox Church was removed from the Church of St. Petka in the Municipality of Vitina;


46) 01/05 Two young men of Albanian nationality fired several shots from a firearm in the direction of nine young men and women of Serbian nationality who were staying at Gračanica Lake;

47) 05/05 The KSF vehicle entered Northern Kosovo and Metohija and drove through Kosovska Mitrovica, contrary to the agreement and without the approval of four mayors from the north;

48) 07/05 The house of Dragoljub Stević from Gračanica was robbed. It has been the target of attacks before;

49) 10/05 Stones were thrown at a humanitarian bus transporting returnees from the Municipality of Istok to Kosovska Mitrovica.

50) 15/05 Two Serbian shops were robbed in the village of Prekovce, Municipality of Novo Brdo;

51) 29/05 A group of young men of Albanian nationality stole and then set fire to the Serbian flag, placed on the monument to fallen fighters in the Serbian village of Prilužje;

52) 30/05 Location marking the Monastery of Visoki Dečani has been once again removed from "Google maps";


53) 02/06 Members of the Kosovo Police forbade the believers and priests of the Serbian Orthodox Church to attend and serve the liturgy in the Church of Christ the Savior in Priština, on the occasion of marking the church's Saint day, Ascention day;

54) 10-11/06 On the night between Friday and Saturday, two shopes in Velika Hoča, owned by Miroslav Lukić and Bojan Pavlović, were broken into;

55) 10-11/06 In the returnee village of Osojane, unknown persons tried to break into and rob the parish home of the Church of the Holy Archangel Gabriel, which had previously been the target of attacks;

56) 11/06 A group of 50 Serbs, displaced from the area of ​​the municipality of Suva Reka, was forbidden to attend the monastery's Saint day, the feast of the Holy Trinity in Mušutište;

57) 12/06 Eleven Serb returnee houses in Klobukar near Novo Brdo were broken into and robbed;

58) 12-13/06 Two young men of Serbian nationality, B.S. and V.D. from Parteš, were attacked by an Albanian with a knife inflicting severe bodily injuries;

59) 13/06 The church office in Donja Gušterica was broken into and robbed;

60) 15/06 In the village of Gojbulja, the Elementary school "November 21." was stoned and on that occasion a classroom window was broken and the doors of the new and the old school buildings were damaged.

61) 18/06 Graffiti "UCK" is written on the fence of the Trajković family's plot, in Kišnica near Gračanica;

62) 27/06 Serb from Subotica was taken to Gracanica for an informative conversation only because a Serbian flag was found in his car;

63) 27/06 Members of the Kosovo Police broke into the building of the Provisional Authority of the Municipality of Peć and seized computers and documents;

64) 27/06 Milorad Đoković, a returnee from Vitomirica, was arrested on suspicion of allegedly committing war crimes;

65) 27/06 Authorities of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Priština banned the entry into Kosovo and Metohija to Serbian government ministers Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Branko Ružić, Vanja Udovičić and director of the Office for IT and eGovernment, Mihail Jovanović, who were supposed to attend the St. Vitus Day celebrations in the province;

66) 28.06. Twenty-year-old Nikola Nedeljković from Belgrade was taken into custody by members of the Kosovo Police during the St. Vitus Day celebration in Pristina for allegedly inciting hatred;

67) 28.06. Authorities in Priština banned entry into Kosovo and Metohija for ten young men who wanted to go to Gazimestan to mark St. Vitus Day because T-shirts with Serbian motifs were found in their car and confiscated;

68) 28.06. At the entrance to Gazimestan, the Kosovo police searched Serbs who were going there to mark St. Vitus Day and demanded that they take off their T-shirts with national motifs;

69) 29.06. Car of the Head of the Morava Valley District, Davor Petković, was smashed in front of his house;

70) 29.06. The president of the humanitarian organization "Serbian Solidarity", Branko Antić, was arrested at Jarinje administrative crossing, just because he sang Serbian songs on the occasion of St. Vitus Day in Gazimestan;


71) 02.07. Young Serbian athletes from the Radan Volleyball Club from Lebane were banned from entering Kosovo and Metohija where they were supposed to play at the Vidovdan tournament in Donja Gušterica. Teams from North Macedonia and Bulgaria were also returned from the administrative line;

72) 02.07. The Kosovo police searched a film crew for hours at the administrative crossing, the crew is working on a film about the suffering of Serbian inmates in Norway, and was on its way to visit the Kosovo-Pomoravlje District;

73) 07.07. More than 30 ROSU members, fully armed, entered Štrpce on the day of the village Patron Saint, they searched the building of the Provisional Authority, the elementary school, the post office, local television;

74) 11.07. A hand grenade was thrown at the family house of Zoran Jovanović in the multi-ethnic village of Mogila in the municipality of Vitinа;

75) 12.07. The flag of the Serbian Orthodox Church was removed from the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Klokot;

76) 12.07. The authorities of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Pristina have forbidden the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, from entering the province, where he was supposed to open the city square and talk to the citizens;

77) 13.07. In just 24 hours, the authorities in Pristina rejected the request of the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija to visit the province twice;

78) 22.07. At the Merdare CCP, the Kosovo Police detained two ambulances coming from the Serbian-inhabited areas in Kosovo and Metohija;

79) 26.07 The gate at the entrance to the estate of the Church of the Holy Savior in Prizren, a frequent target of vandalism, was broken down once again;

80) 31.07. The Kosovo Police arrested two Serbian youngsters, Savo B. and Stefan O. from Zubin Potok, just because the shirts they wore had a "No surrender" caption;


81) 01.08. A group of Albanians drove through Serbian-inhabited village of Vrbovac, sounding car horn and waiving so called KLA flags, in a bid to provoke and intimidate Serbs;

82) 01.08. The Kosovo Police has kept the common crossing points Jarinje and Brnjak blocked for hours and, during that time, did not allow Serbs through to enter Kosovo and Metohija, in spite of the already enabled freedom of movement;

83) 02.08. ROSU officers abducted Dejan Spahić, a Serb, and the ambulance he drove along the Leposavić - Kosovska Mitrovica road to transport medical infusion and medical drugs;

84) 02.08. The board denoting this settlement’s name bilingually at the entrance to Kišnica near Gračanica, was vandalized by covering the Serbian name in black paint;

85) 02.08. A board with the terrorist so called KLA insignia was placed on the road leading from the Serb-inhabited part of Kišnica to the Albanian-inhabited part of the village, in an immediate vicinity of local children’s playground;

86) 07.08. The Dimitrijević family in the village of Donja Brnjica woke to find the walls of their home littered with Albanian-written graffiti denoting offensive messages against Serbia and the Serbian people;

87) 08.08. Two stores selling general merchandise in Velika Hoča, one owned by Bojan Pavlović and the other by Dušan Lukić, were burglarized and robbed of goods and money. This was those businesses’ second instance of robbery this year, and the perpetrators were not identified;

88) 12.08. An Albanian man reported Serbian children to the police for writing "Red Star" graffiti in the village of Skulanevo in the municipality of Lipljan;

89) 19.08. In the Suvi Do settlement in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, so called "KLA" and "Greater Albania" flags were raised, and the Kosovo police did not initiate an investigation because of this case;

90) 24/08 The road sign displaying the name of the village of Batuse near Gračanica was crossed out, with the name of the terrorist organization "UCK" written all over it;

91) 25/08 At the Cemetery in Orahovac, the headstone cross on the grave of the recently buried Novica Ilicu was broken;

92) 27/08 An old woman of Serbian nationality, Božana R. (84) from the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica was brutally beaten and robbed by two men in her house. According to her, the attackers spoke in Albanian language;


93) 06.09. Nikola Nedeljković from Belgrade, who was arrested at Gazimestan only because he was carrying the Serbian flag, was sentenced to 8 months in prison;

94) 10.09. Members of the police and customs service in Pristina permanently banned humanitarians from Bajina Bašta, Dimitrije Marković and Nenad Jeremic, from entering Kosovo, at Jarinje checkpoint, without explanation;

95) 12.09. Nemanja Mitrović (19) from Babin Most near Oblić was stabbed by members of an Albanian family. The young man's father, Saša Mitrović, was also wounded during the attack;

96) 22.09. Young men of Albanian nationality hung the so-called Kosovo flag on a bus transporting Serbian pilgrims to Peć;

97) 23.09. Graffiti of the terrorist organization KLA was written on a building in the ethnically mixed neighborhood of Bošnjačka Mahala in Kosovska Mitrovica.

98) 24.09. Fully armed members of the so-called Kosovo Security Forces entered Zubin Potok without the approval of the four mayors from the north and the KFOR commander;

99) 27.09. The authorities of the Provisionary Institutions in Pristina forbade the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, to visit the southern province where he was supposed to visit the injured Nemanja Mitrović and open the town square of the victims the Milić brothers in Kosovska Mitrovica;


100) 01.10. A Serb, Ljubomir Marić (55) was shot in Gračanica;

101) 05.10. The house of returnee Ilija Tošić from Osojane was broken into and robbed;

102) 12.10. For the tenth time since the beginning of last year, the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petković, has been forbidden from visiting the southern province where he was supposed to attend the enthronement of Patriarch Porfirije;

103) 12.10. The Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Ivan Vujić, was denied entry to Kosovo and Metohija, where he was supposed to attend the celebration of St. Michael's Day in Velika Hoča;

104) 13.10. The authorities of the Provisional Institutions in Priština forbade the visit to Kosovo and Metohija to the Minister of Science and Technological Development, Nenad Popović, the President of the Missing Persons Commission, Veljko Odalović, and the President of the Banja Luka Committee for Assistance to Serbs from Kosovo, Milorad Arlov;

105) 17.10. The Serbian flag was removed and torn from the Monument to the Murdered and Kidnapped Serbs in Velika Hoča;

106) 18.10. A graffiti glorifying the terrorist organization KLA appeared on a pole in the village of Sušica near Gornja Gušterica;

107) 19.10. Members of ROSU searched the vehicle of a 20-year-old Serb, N.T., in Zubin Potok and gave him several blows to the head and legs, without any reason;

108) 19.10. In the late evening, three masked members of ROSU stopped a car in the village of Banje, Zubin Potok, and with pointed flashlights and rifles asked for identification and searched the vehicle with three Serbian women;

109) 20.10. During the night, members of the Special Unit of the Kosovo Police, with two armored vehicles, stopped an ambulance from Zubin Potok in the village of Štuoce, made the driver and patient V.K. who is a heart patient exit the car and searched the vehicle for half an hour;

110) 20.10. The Albanian flag was placed at the door of the Church of Christ the Savior in Priština;

111) 23.10. Kosovo police interrupted a Serbian wedding in Kosovska Kamenica and issued a ticket to the newlyweds allegedly because of loud music;

112) 23.10. At the basketball game between Vlaznimi and Trepca, a group of fans burned the Serbian flag and unfurled a banner with the inscription "Ready for the North, Mitrovica is Albania";

113) 26.10. A bus from Osojan was stoned in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica and on that occasion the windows were broken;


114) 01.11. KLA grafiti written on a family home of Ilija Filipović in the village of Suvi Do, in the municipality of Lipljan;

115) 03.11. Unknown persons attached fake “RKS” plates on the vehicle having Serbian license plates, owned by Ms. Snežana Jovanović, Director of the “Venac” National Ensemble in Kišnicac;

116) 05.11. The monuments at the Serbian cemetery in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica were destroyed;

117) 06.11. A group of Albanians threw a Molotov cocktail in front of the house of the Trajković family in Kišnica, near Gračanica. This is the third attack on the Trajković family in the last two years;

118) 06.11. On the eve of a large popular rally in Kosovska Mitrovica, a group of Albanian youths hoisted flags of Albania and of so-called Kosovo in City’s Bošnjačka Mahala neighborhood, unhampered by the present Kosovo Police;

119) 14.11. Members of the so-called special units near Jarinje, stopped the vehicle of the executive director of the NGO AKTIV, Miodrag Milićević, and physically and verbally abused him;

120) 15.11. The Serbian Orthodox cemetery in Vitina was renamed to "Orthodox Albanian cemetery" on Google maps;

121) 17.11. In Bošnjačka Mahala, in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, KLA graffiti was written on a building that is under construction;

122) 27.11. Albanian flags were displayed in the Serbian area of ​​Klokot, on the eve of the Albanian Flag Day;

123) 28.11. On the road to the Brezovica Ski Center, KLA graffiti was written;


124) 02.12. In the multi-ethnic neighborhood of Bošnjačka Mahala in Kosovska Mitrovica, on a building inhabited by Serbs, graffiti of the terrorist KLA was written;

125) 03.12. On the main road Kosovska Mitrovica-Raška, a patrol of the Kosovo Police, consisting of members of Albanian nationality, stopped a vehicle driven by B.P. and demanded from him to declare whether Leposavić is Serbia or Kosovo;

126) 04.12. Resident of Gračanica B.I., while visiting his mother's grave at the cemetery in Padalište, found a herd of cows and goats that a local Albanian had taken out to graze there;

127) 06.12. Members of the Kosovo Police, accompanied by members of the municipal election commission, carring long pipe weapons, entered the premises of the municipality of Zubin Potok with force, broke down the doors and changed the locks;

128) 08.12. Members of the Kosovo Police, while using force, confiscated 42,000 liters of wine from the Petrović family from Velika Hoča;

129) 08.12. ROSU members entered the yard of the kindergarten in Leposavic with armored vehicles;

130) 09.12. About 300 police officers from the southern part of Kosovo and Metohija marched into northern Kosovska Mitrovica last night accompanied by armored vehicles and blocked the city;

131) 09.12. In Gnjilan, the windows of the store in the village of Koretište, owned by Srđan Todorović, were broken;

132) 09.12. At the administrative crossing, Miljan Adžić was arrested and detained for 30 days without any legal basis or evidence;

133) 10.12. Members of the Kosovo Police arrested Dejan Pantić at the Jarinje administrative crossing without any basis. He is a police officer who left the Kosovo institutions on November 5;

134) 10.12. In the town of Ribnjak, the Kosovo police stopped the vehicle containing Davor Marković and his son Andrija from Zubin Potok and harassed them for more than an hour, causing a head injury to Andrija Marković;

135) 10.12. The Kosovo Police prohibited children aged 12 to 15 of the Handball Club "Mokra Gora" from crossing the Brnjak administrative crossing after the match played in Central Serbia;

136) 10.12. At the administrative crossing of Jarinje, the Kosovo police banned the entry into the province to the athletes of the basketball club Trepča and the volleyball club "028 Kosovska Mitrovica";

137) 11.12. ROSU members, with armored vehicles, under full military weapons, stormed the Gazivode dam, pointed their rifles at the worker V. K, tore the Serbian flag and chased him away from his workplace;

138) 11.12. Worker of "Elektrokosmet" from the Zubin Potok branch, Milan Tomašević, was harassed by the Kosovo Police near the Gazivode lake dam when he went to fix a malfunction.

139) 12.12. In the hamlet of Bogoševce in Sredačka Župa near Prizren, several Serbian houses were ransacked and looted, and in the same village the church of St. Nicholas was also ransacked;

140) 13.12. In the middle of the crisis and tensions in Northern Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian List official, Ivan Todosijević, was sentenced to one year in prison for his statement about Račak;

141) 15.12. Slađan Trajković, who left the Kosovo Police, was arrested for alleged war crimes;

142) 16.12. Members of the Kosovo Police did not allow Elektrokosmet workers to repair the malfunction in Brnjak, which left 150 people without electricity in 6 villages;

143) 19.12. In the mixed neighborhood of Bošnjačka mahala, in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, four shops owned by Serbs were broken into, and this was done on the eve of the big holiday of St. Nicholas Day;

144) 21.12. Serbian tombstones at the city's Orthodox cemetery in Djakovica were damaged and destroyed;

145) 22.12. The Kosovo police stopped and turned back buses with Serbs from Štrpce going to a peaceful protest in Rudare and on that occasion issued fines to all those not carring Kosovo identity cards;

146) 25.12. The authorities in Priština forbade SOC Patriarch Porfirije to come to the Patriarchate of Peć on Christmas Eve;

147) 26.12. The authorities of the Provisional Institutions in Priština have forbidden RTS journalist Svetlana Vukmirović, who reports on life of Serbs in the province, from entering the territory of Kosovo and Metohija;

148) 26.12. Serbian Patriarch Porfirije, who was supposed to stay in the Patriarchate of Peć before Christmas, was returned from the administrative crossing of Merdare;

149) 27.12. In the mixed settlement of Bošnjačka Mahala, in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, posters appeared in the Albanian language calling for boycott of Serbian products;

150) 27.12. RTS journalist Svetlana Vukmirović was banned from entering the territory of Kosovo and Metohija for the second time in 24 hours without any explanation, and she was supposed to record a program about the life of Serbs in the province;





1) 07/01 The Vučković family house in the village of Babin Most, in Municipality of Obilić was broken into;

2) 13/01 Petar Petković, Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, was not allowed to enter;

3) 16/01 At the “Jarinje” CCP, a bus with 40 passengers carrying season’s gift packages for children was not allowed to enter;

4) 20/01 Inspection raided the Health Center in Štrpce, searching for covid-19 vaccines;

5) 28/01 Igor Popović, Assistant Director in the OKM, was not allowed to enter;


6) 02/02 Boban Ristić was wounded by firearms in Laplje Selo;

7) 03/02 So called KLA graffiti were inscribed on the Krstović family house in Goraždevac;

8) 03/02 The mast and flag by the Monument to Serbian victims in Goraždevac were broken;

9) 04/02 Archeological items were stolen from the Hermitage of St Petar of Korisha, near Prizren;

10) 05/02 The Jovanović family house in the village of Mogila in Municipality of Kosovska Vitina was broken into;

11) 10/02 A KLA Billboard was placed in Čaglavica, near Priština;

12) 10/02 The Vučković family house in the village of Berkovo in Municipality of Klina was broken into;

13) 13/02 The TV PINK and TV Kraljevo crews were not allowed to enter;

14) 15/02 The RTS crew, filming the series „The Right to Tomorrow“ was not allowed to enter;

15) 26/02 Serbian boy M.M. was stabbed by Albanians in Kosovska Mitrovica;

16) 28/02 Team of the Arilje Handball Club was not allowed to enter;


17) 03/03 A Serbian house in Gračanica was broken into, money and personal documents were stolen;

18) 04/03 Two Goranis in Globočica were wounded by two Albanian men;

19) 05/03 Serbian boy L.P. was hit in Gračanica by car with an Albanian driver who fled the scene;

20) 06/03 On All Souls’ Day, Orthodox church of St. Peter in the village of Klokot, Municipality of Kosovska Vitina, was broken into and some money was stolen;

21) 06/03 On All Souls’ Day, Orthodox church of Holy Trinity in the village of Parteš, Municipality of Gnjilane, was broken into, and from it were stolen money, a hand-made shroud and an icon;

22) 07/03 A tombstone in the graveyard of the village of Binač was stolen;

23) 07/03 A Serb restaurant-owner in the village of Šilovo, Municipality of Gnjilane, was shot in the leg by an Albanian;

24) 12/03 From the parish house under construction, next to the Church of the Holy Apostle Luke in the village of Vitomirica, Municipality of Peć, construction material was stolen;

25) 12/03 ROSU members searched the premises of the Municipality of Klokot, then searched the family house of the Municipality President and arrested him;

26) 13/03 Church of 40 Martyrs of Sebastes in the village of Drajkovce, Municipality of Štrpce, was broken into and its money was stolen;

27) 13/03 Church of St. Dimitri in the village of Donja Bitinja, Municipality of Štrpce, was broken into;

28) 15/03 Church of St. Kyriako in the village of Gornja Gušterica, Municipality of Gračanica, was broken into, demolished, and looted;

29) 16/03 At the “Jarinje” CCP, Ms. Svetlana Miladinov, Assistant Director in the OKM, was not allowed to enter;

30) 18/03 Church of St. Marko in the village of Šilovo, Municipality of Gnjilane, was broken into, and its money and sound system were looted;

31) 25/03 Graffiti "UCK" were inscribed on the wall of the Health Center in the village of Suvi Do;

32) 27/03 At the “Tabalije” CCP, the Kosovo Police did not allow 17 football players of the FC „Šumadija“ to enter Kosovo and Metohija;

33) 30/03 Ms. Mila Anđelković, a returnee whose family house has been illegally occupied by the Albanians, was arrested;


34) 10/04 Serbian youngsters Marko Nikolić and Miloš Rošić, while sitting in a cafe in the north of Kosovska Mitrovica, were attacked by bottles;

35) 12/04 Health clinic in the village of Gojbulja, in Municipality of Vučitrn was broken into;

36) 13/04 Teenager Luka Dimitrijević was attacked in Gračanica;

37) 15/04 Albanian flags were waved followed with an attempt of incursion into the Clinical Hospital Center in the north of Kosovska Mitrovica;

38) 16/04 Petar Petković, Director of the OKM, was not allowed to enter;

39) 18/04 Ms. Tamara Grujić, a RTS journalist, was arrested in Vučitrn;

40) 18/04 The front door of the elementary school in Obilić were demolished;

41) 26/04 Lazar Đoršević and his family were attacked by Albanians, while at their own estate in the village of Gojbulja, in Municipality of Vučitrn;


42) 03/05 The Jaćović family house in Kosovska Vitina was stoned;

43) 03/05 A window was broken on the car belonging to the deacon in Orahovac;

44) 05/05 Miroslav Lukić from Velika Hoča sustained a broken nose after being physically attacked by three Albanians;

45) 06/05 On the St. George’s Day, a group of thugs attempted to remove the Serbian flag from the Bell tower of the church of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Klokot;

46) 06/05 The church of St. John the Baptist, located in the center of the City of Peć, also known as the Metropolitan Church, was stoned and a window got broken;

47) 09/05 The church of St. Petka in Kosovska Vitina was stoned;

48) 09/05 In the village of Suvi Do, Municipality of Kosovska Mitrovica, three shots were fired into the air from the passing vehicle;

49) 10/05 The church of Most Holy Mother of God in Lipljan was stoned;

50) 11/05 The house of returnees Radoje and Miloje Pumpalović in the village of Dubrava, Municipality of Istok, was attacked, for the fifth time within the timeframe of a year;

51) 20/05 The Jaćović family house in Kosovska Vitina was attacked once more;

52) 24/05 In the church of St. Petka in the village of Donja Šipašnica, Municipality of Kosovska Kamenica, front door was burglarized, church was ransacked, and its holy relics were stolen;

53) 26/05 The house of returnee Sreten Stojiljković, near Novo Brdo, was broken into, and his tools and firewood were stolen;

54) 26/05 An outbuilding belonging to Božidar Zdravković from the same village (Ćeranovica Hamlet, returnee village Klobukar, Novo Brdo) was burglarized and a stove was stolen;

55) 30/05 The signpost pointing to the Draganac Monastery in the Municipality of Novo Brdo was shattered.


56) 03/06 “Greater Albania” graffiti were inscribed on a Serbian home in Orahovac;

57) 10/06 Kosovo Police raided the Temple of Christ the Savior in Priština, after the liturgy;

58) 11/06 Ms. Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans' Affairs, and Social Affairs, scheduled to hold lecture to students, was not allowed to enter Kosovo and Metohija;

59) 11/06 Hate graffiti were inscribed on the Temple of Christ the Savior. Kosovo Police stood by, passively watching the desecration as it went on;

60) 12/06 Two buses carrying Serbian athletes and Christians believers was returned from the “Jarinje” CCP

61) 14/06 Graves of families Stojanović and Šarić in Orahovac were desecrated;

62) 19/06 A bus carrying 50 Christians believers from the parts of Central Serbia on route for the All Souls’ Day to Kosovo and Metohija;

63) 20/06 Electrical installation in the church of St. Uroš in Uroševac was stolen;

64) 21-22/06 Minister Vanja Udovičić was not allowed to enter into Kosovo and Metohija;

65) 21/06 The front door of the church of holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the village of Talinovac near Uroševac was shattered, electrical installation taken down, and icons thrown around;

66) 24/06 The family house of Staniša Stojanović in the village of Babin Most, Municipality of Obilić, was broken into, looted, ransacked, and the money was stolen;

67) 26/06 A group of Serbian mountaineers was banned from hiking to the top of the Šar Mountain starting from Štrpce and the Brezovica Ski Center;

68) 27/06 Repeated assaults against Dragica Gašić, the first ever Serbian woman returnee into Đakovica, coupled with the stoning of her apartment, pasting photos of deceased people, and announced protests of NGOs with requests for her eviction;

69) 28/06 Stopping the vehicles with Serbian license plates on the road to Gazimestan while on way to celebrate Vidovdan, seizure of any Serbian symbols; a nun was searched, and a Montenegrin citizen was arrested and, two days later, remanded to a 30-day custody;

70) On that same day, several Serbian people were arrested just because they were singing the Đurđevdan song and uploading videos to social networks;

71) 29-30/06 In the Gračanica Monastery, the tricolor of the Serbian Orthodox Church was stolen, and the mast on the monastery gate was broken. The photos of the desecrated church were posted on social networks, also depicting a black-clad Albanian holding the flag of “Greater Albania”. Few hours later, there was a video on social networks with that same masked Albanian burning the stolen flag;

72) 30/06 Dragica Gašić was forbidden to install an armored door in her apartment, and the door got confiscated;

73) 30/06 Four persons from Čačak were apprehended at Gazimestan on June 28, brought and interrogated before a prosecutor, over their T-shirts captioned “No Surrender”. According to them, those T-shirts were found in the trunk of their vehicle with Čačak license plates. They were questioned by prosecutor without interpretation, because the alternative to it, as they were informed, was to wait until the next day. They were fined with EUR 400, which they did not pay immediately, so the Kosovo Police system withheld their ID cards;

74) 30/06 In Lipljan, a group of Albanians prevented several Serbian boys and girls to set up a basketball hoop in a local park;


75) 01/07 An “ALBANIA UCK” graffiti appeared overnight on a billboard presenting the Monastery of Gračanica on the Gračanica – Laplje Selo road;

76) 01/07 A group of Albanians has beaten up a 13-year-old boy, Nikola P, tearing off the cross around his neck and leaving him in bruises and contusions;

77) 06/07 Municipality of Đakovica filed legal action with the Basic Court in Đakovica requesting annulment of contract on renting apartment to Ms. Dragica Gašić, together with an injunction;

78) 08/07 The tires on the vehicle belonging to Vuksan Gojković, a friend of Dragica Gašić, parked in the vicinity of her apartment, were punctured and its Novi Pazar license plates were removed;

79) 11/07 In Gračanica, the panel denominating the Municipality name was over-painted black;

80) 12/07 Ranko Bacić (age 67) from the village of Dolace near Klina was physically attacked by Albanians, and sustained severe bodily injuries to his face and arms;

81) 16/07 Graffiti "UCK" were inscribed in front of the school in the village Binač, Municipality of Kosovska Vitina;

82) 18/07 Mr Veljko Odalović, President of the Commision on missing people, was not allowed to enter into Kosovo and Metohija;

83) 18/07 The church of St. Peter and Paul in the village of Brod, Municipality of Gora, was broken into and vandalized with “KLA” graffiti;

84) 20/07 Children’s playground in the village of Sušica. Municipality of Gračanica, was littered with graffiti “UCK”, “This is Albania”, “Albanian playground”;

85) 21/07 Srboljub Veselinović (80), internally displaced from Kosovo and Metohija, was detained for several hours at the “Jarinje” CCP and thereafter taken to interrogation in Priština, over an allegedly illegal logging;

86) 23/07 A group of Christian believers from NVOs “Dobročinstvo” and “Srpska omladina za Kosmet” on route to visit Christian temples in Kosovo and Metohija was banned from entering;

87) 27/07 The apartment of the sole Serbian returnee to Đakovica, Ms. Dragica Gašić, was broken into and the security camera, internet router, her personal belongings and food were stolen.


88) 05/08 The village of Prilepac in the Municipality of Ranilug, the birthplace of Emperor Lazar, was littered with graffiti displaying symbols of the terrorist so called KLA and messages glorifying "Greater Albania".

89) 09/08 While on his way home from grazing cattle, Nikola Perić (23) from the village of Zebinca near the town of Novo Brdo, was brutally beaten up by three Albanian men;

90) 13/08 On the anniversary of the heinous crime in Goraždevac, the center og Gračanica, witnessed a new so called KLA graffiti glorifying that terrorist organisation.

91) 13/08 In Gračanica, the second so called KLA inscription in the same day, this time on the home of Slavica Aleksić and three small children;

92) 17/08 Young Serb D.M.(20) was beaten by three Albanians in Bosnjacka Mahala;

93) 23/08 Twelve-year old boy Mihajlo S. was beaten in the center of Kosovska Kamenica by Albanian hooligans. He suffered from facial injuries and was admitted to hospital;


94) 01/09 The Trajković family house in Lipljan was broken into and robbed;

95) 03/09 The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Mr Petar Petković was forbidden to visit the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and deliver aid;

96) 09/09 The house of Mirjana Dedić (74) from Orahovac was stoned;

97) 10/09 The family home of Nebojša Grković, a retiree from Orahovac, was burgled.

98) 20/09 The authority in Priština sent ROSU units to Northern Kosovo and Metohija and began removing license plates with Serbian markings;

99) 22/09 The Kosovo Police detained three Serbian young men who were putting up a billboard in Gračanica "Welcome to the Community of Serbian Municipalities";

100) 22/09 The Kosovo Police officers charged Borislav Savić from the village of Suvi Do with two misdemeanor penalties and, in addition, confiscated his Serbian identity card;

101) 23/09 Dušan Jemuović, an RTS news reporter, has been repeatedly denied by the Kosovo Police to cross the Jarinje Common Crossing Point in his bid to cover the crisis unfolding in the north of Kosovo and Metohija;

102) 23/09 Members of ROSU beat up three young Serbian men in the vicinity of the Brnjak Common Crossing Point;

103) 25/09 Terrorist so called KLA graffiti inscribed on a house in the Serbian municipality of Klokot;

104) 27/09 A group of Serbs was attacked while being in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica in order to submit documents to the Agency for Agriculture;

105) 28/09 In the village of Vrbovac near Kosovska Vitina, in the presence of the Kosovo Police, members of the Fire Brigade removed the Serbian flag hoisted on the MTS broadcast relay station;

106) 30/09 During the change of ROSU units at the Jarinje and Brnjak Common Crossing Points, members of special forces wrecked a number of vehicles owned by Serbs;


107) 04/10 Local Orthodox church in the village of Jagnjenica, Municipality of Zubin Potok, was broken into and looted;

108) 12/10 - Stones were pelted at the family house of Rumena Ljubić, a retired teacher, the only Serbian woman living in the Peć downtown. Some material damage was caused;

109) 12/10 - Unknown persons broke into the private property and stole firewood from Mirjana Dedić (74), a resident in Orahovac. Only a month ago, her family house was pelted with stones;

110) 13/10 - The special KP units ROSU stormed into the towns of Kosovska Mitrovica North and Zvečan, using armored vehicles, and armed with various firearms, tear gas and smoke bombs, citing an alleged anti-smuggling operation. The ROSU fired shots at the gathered civilians who were protesting peacefully;

111) 13/10 – The ROSU operation left Srećko Sofronijević (36) with grave bodily trauma, as he was shot from behind. More than 10 people sought medical assistance;

112) 16/10 The home of the Jovanović family was looted as the robbers, while the household was asleep, broke into the house and stole a substantial sum of money, their personal documents and the family’s car;

113) 16/10 The crosses on the Family Šarić’ tomb in Orahovac were shattered. This family’s tomb has previously been desecrated several times by hooligans;

114) 17/10 The home of Sreten Stojiljković from the village of Klobukar, in the vicinity of Novo Brdo, was broken into and some home appliances were stolen;


115) 3/11 In the ethnically-mixed village of Mogila in the Municipality of Vitina, along the road were inscribed graffiti “Albania”, together with pejorative names for Serbs on the house walls;

116) 14/11. The Monument to Killed and Abducted Serbs in Velika Hoča was vandalized, with its cross broken, its mast torn down, and the flag from it stolen;

117) 19/11 Stojan Vasić' family home and backyard in the village of Cernica near Gnjilane were pelted with stones and bottles.

118) 23/11 Petar Petković, Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, was not permitted to enter the Province, as he was planning to attend celebration of the Saint Patron's Day of the Dečani Monastery and to deliver aid to the people in need;

119) 28/11 The glass on the front door of the shop owned by Blagoje Radić in Orahovac was broken;


120) 02/12 For the fifth time this year, Priština’s authorities banned Dr. Petar Petković, Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, from visiting the Province;

121) 03/12 The memorial plaque erected in Velika Hoča to honor abducted journalists Đuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenić, was torn down.

122) 6/12 The Albanian and so called KLA were hoisted in Bošnjačka Mahala neighborhood in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica;

123) 14/12 The Radio Goraždevac press crew was verbally assaulted and disturbed by unidentified persons while conducting their journalistic work;

124) 15/12 The Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija was sent back from the administrative line at Jarinje as the Provisional Institutions of Self-government in Priština have not allowed him to enter Kosovo and Metohija, for the sixth time this year;

125) 21/12. Kosovo Police, with ROSU special forces, raided several villages in the municipality of Štrpce, fully armed, and while using force arrested 10 persons of Serbian nationality for alleged corruption and blocked the work of the municipality and normal functioning of the city;

126) 22/12 Members of the Kosovo Police raided the Mihajlović and Džaklić houses in Šilovo and searched them for several hours;

127) 26/12 Eight gravestones were broken at the Orthodox cemetery in Kišnica;

128) 27/12 The President of the Missing Persons Commission, Veljko Odalović, was forbidden from entering Kosovo and Metohija, where he was supposed to attend an important meeting of the Association of the families of missing and kidnapped persons;



Ethnically motivated incidents in Kosovo and Metohija, 2021 Negotiation process with Pristina Operational Factsheet
Time elapsed since assuming the obligation of establishing CSM
Year Month Week Day
11 139 607 4255